Q2 Gro integrates with PDF Exporter to allow FIs to automatically receive applications that are captured and stored as PDF files during the application process, using SFTP (SSH File Transfer Protocol ) or FTPS (File Transfer Protocol Secure).
This feature is similar to viewing a PDF Report in the Admin Portal; however, this integration allows PDFs to be sent to your financial institution’s file repository on a set schedule. For example, your financial institution can receive a daily file transfer of all PDFs received each day. By default, PDF Exporter creates and transfers a folder that contains an index file with the first name, last name, and SSN of each of the applicants, and also includes PDF files, but the configuration can be customized for your FI's needs.
Q2 Gro PDF Exporter integration currently supports exporting only applications in PDF format. To export Image files (PNG or JPG), use the Q2 Gro Image Exporter.