To adjust the summary screen text, the structure of the messages on page, or the messaging product type, navigate to the client.webapp.custom.summaryScreen.rules
Type ID. This Type ID contains configurations that set how the summary screen content logic works; however, the message text that is contained in the summary screen is set in the client.custom.messages.en
Type ID.
The default configuration for the client.webapp.custom.summaryScreen.rules
Type ID is as follows:
{ "unauth": [ "dda_MsgKey", "creditCard_MsgKey", "businessLoan_MsgKey", "vehicleLoan_MsgKey", "cd_MsgKey", "olb_MsgKey", "buttonClose_MsgKey" ], "existing": [ "dda_MsgKey", "creditCard_MsgKey", "businessLoan_MsgKey", "vehicleLoan_MsgKey", "cd_MsgKey", "olb_MsgKey", "buttonClose_MsgKey" ], "auth": [ "dda_MsgKey", "creditCard_MsgKey", "businessLoan_MsgKey", "vehicleLoan_MsgKey", "cd_MsgKey", "buttonClose_MsgKey" ], "native": [ "msgKey1", "msgKey2" ] }
In the above configuration snippet, the product-specific message keys (which are set in the client.custom.messages.en
Type ID) are set to display based on (1) the products that an applicant has chosen and (2) the Q2 Gro-specific flow they may have navigated to.
The Gro workflows are as follows (availability depends on your core):
— This is the unauthenticated new member flow – this is the first flow that is introduced to the financial institution. -
— This is the unauthenticated existing member flow (otherwise known as "email offers workflow"). -
— This is the authorized existing member flow – this is where a financial institution would Single Sign-On (SSO) in from their OLB provider (such as Q2). -
— This is the native application that is available for iOS and designed for in-branch use. This is essentially the unauthenticated new member flow with more controls.
In the above configuration snippet, your financial institution may have seen some examples of message keys such as dda_MsgKey
or cd_MsgKey
. Message keys are referenced in the client.webapp.products.productTypes
, but the text is configured in the client.custom.messages.en
Type ID. As a result, to add another product type to client.webapp.products.productTypes
, you also add a sucessfullSSMsg
or another key representing a text string to client.custom.messages.en
to link the correct text string to the correct behavior for the new product.
Please see the below default configuration from the client.webapp.products.productTypes
{ "dda": { "allowMultiple": true, "friendlyName": "ddaFriendlyName", "sucessfullSSMsg": "dda_MsgKey" }, "creditCard": { "allowMultiple": true, "friendlyName": "creditCardFriendlyName", "sucessfullSSMsg": "creditCard_MsgKey" }, "businessLoan": { "allowMultiple": true, "friendlyName": "businessLoanFriendlyName", "sucessfullSSMsg": "businessLoan_MsgKey" }, "vehicleLoan": { "allowMultiple": true, "friendlyName": "vehicleLoanFriendlyName", "sucessfullSSMsg": "vehicleLoan_MsgKey" }, "cd": { "allowMultiple": true, "friendlyName": "cdFriendlyName", "sucessfullSSMsg": "cd_MsgKey" } }
The default messages from the client.custom.messages.en
are as follows:
"dda_MsgKey": "Your DDA(s) are ready! Your products are below:<br><br>{product-list}",
"creditCard_MsgKey": "Your Credit Card(s) are ready! Your products are below:<br><br>{product-list}",
"businessLoan_MsgKey": "Your Business Loan(s) are ready! Your products are below:<br><br>{product-list}",
"vehicleLoan_MsgKey": "Your Vehicle Loan(s) are ready! Your products are below:<br><br>{product-list}",
"cd_MsgKey": "Your CD(s) are ready! Your products are below:<br><br>{product-list}",
"olb_MsgKey": "Last Item! Click next to enroll in online banking.<br>{button}",
"buttonClose_MsgKey": "{button}"
If your financial institution has been contracted for a core integration with Q2 Gro, there will be additional configuration, documentation, or training for the server-side aspect of the Summary Screen (if needed).