The set of employment fields is listed below. The fields can be hidden if they are not required in the account opening workflow or made visible if they are required within the client.webapp.stylesheet
Type ID.
Using the table below, add the appropriate CSS snippet to the Type ID depending on whether the field will be hidden or visible.
Field Name |
Description |
To Show |
To Hide |
Employment Status Primary |
Employment Status Joint |
Employment Duration Primary |
Employment Duration Joint |
Employment Monthly Income Primary |
Employment Monthly Income Joint |
Employer Name Primary |
Employer Name Joint |
Employer Phone Primary |
Employment Phone Joint |
Employment Job Title Primary |
Employment Job Title Joint |
In addition to showing the employment questions, the contents of the employment status dropdown can be changed. To change the contents of the dropdown, navigate to
and search for empStatus
. Within this message key, configuration options are displayed that are shown in the dropdown on the Gro web application. The label
represents a message referenced in client.custom.messages.en
and isJob
enables or disables the questions shown for a particular employment status.
This has a message attached that will display in the dropdown.
The dropdown options for employment can be changed in the client.custom.messages.en
by searching for the message keys shown in the dropdown (for example: employed, retired, self-employed) and changing the keys and messages to your desired messages.
You can configure the order of the fields on the page using the pageFieldOrder
attribute in the
Type ID. For example:
"pageFieldOrder": { "employmentPageApp1": [ "employmentStatusDivApp1", { "children": [ "employmentJobTitleDivApp1", "employmentDurationDivApp1", "employmentNameDivApp1", "employmentMonthlyIncomeDivApp1" ], "id": "EmploymentInfoFieldsApp1" }, "employmentStatusDivOtherApp1", "loanDiv" ] },
This example uses a employmentPageApp1
array to contain the ID strings of the elements in the order in which they should be displayed. In this example, the order will be:
In cases where an element has sub-elements which should be ordered in a particular way, an object should be used instead of a string. This object should contain the properties id
and children
. In the above example, the id
element EmploymentInfoFieldsApp1
has some sub-elements defined in a particular order. This functionality can extend to as many sub-elements and sub-sub-elements as necessary.
Any elements excluded from this configuration will maintain their relative order and will be left at the end of the structure. For example, given the existence of elements 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, if we configured this property so that the array elements are: [2, 3, 4], the final display order will be 2, 3, 4, 1, 5.
This configuration is not affected by which elements are visible, only the order. Setting or removing this configuration will not affect whether or not an element is displayed.
Occupancy questions can be configured to show or hide specific questions generally or based on product type.
Navigate to Type ID
and search for occupancyQuestions
. By default, the occupancy questions are shown by product type as seen below, but you can add or remove product types within this configuration.
occupancyQuestions":{ "occupancyDurationDivApp1":{ "products":[ "creditCard", "businessLoan", "vehicleLoan" ] }, "occupancyStatusDivApp1":{ "products":[ "creditCard", "businessLoan", "vehicleLoan" ] } }
If you would like to ask occupancy questions for all products or remove them completely, delete the default configuration and insert the following configuration.
occupancyQuestions":{ "occupancyDurationDivApp1":{ "products":[ "all" ] }, "occupancyStatusDivApp1":{ "products":[ "all" ] } }
If you would like to not display any occupancy questions, delete the default configuration and insert the following configuration.
occupancyQuestions":{ "occupancyDurationDivApp1":{ "products":[ "" ] }, "occupancyStatusDivApp1":{ "products":[ "" ] } }
Below is an image of the Gro web application with and without the occupancy questions enabled.
With occupancy enabled:
Without occupancy questions:
To change the contents of the dropdown, navigate to
and search for occStatus
. Under this key, message configurations are displayed with any options shown in the dropdown on the Gro web application. The label
is a the message key whose corresponding message is referenced in client.custom.messages.en
and will display in the dropdown.
The dropdown for occupancy can be changed in the client.custom.messages.en
. Search for the message keys or messages as shown in the dropdown (for example: rent, own free and clear, live with parents) and change the keys and messages to your desired messages.