Added a new CSR role entitlement, labeled CONSOLE USER MGMT: Can view unmasked Secure Access Codes to allow a CSR user to view SACs in User Management. If the entitlement is enabled, the CSR can view the entire Secure Access Code. If the entitlement is not enabled, the CSR can only view the last two characters. (ONBD-2239)
Fixed an issue where CSRs were unable to create new or edit existing Customer and User profiles with special characters. Now, the Customer Name field and the User First name and Last name fields accept any printable character in the standard ASCII specifications, which consists of:
Upper- and lowercase letters (A-Z, a-z)
Numbers (0-9)
Spaces (between terms only, no trailing or leading)
Special characters, including:
- ! " # $ ' ( ) * + , . / : ; < = > ? @ [ ^ _ ` { | ~
Fixed an issue on the Login Name edit modal where an invalid Login Name could be saved, bypassing the character restrictions. Now, if the Login Name does not comply with the character restrictions set in the FI's configuration, the Save changes button cannot be selected and the invalid Login Name cannot be saved. (ONBD-2318)