Mobile thumb bar Editor in Experience Builder (Q2 Config)
About the Mobile thumb bar
Within the Navigation tab in Experience Builder, the Mobile thumb bar section allows you to customize what navigation items display in the mobile thumb bar when viewing digital banking on a mobile device. Because the thumb bar is available on every page in mobile banking, it allows end users to quickly navigate to frequently used features or pages.
To open the Mobile thumb bar page, select Navigation from the left navigation menu, then select Mobile thumb bar. The Mobile thumb bar page consists of two tabs: Edit and Preview.
Edit tab
The Edit tab displays on the Mobile thumb bar page by default, and contains the Nav items and Alternate nav items sections.
Nav items
You can configure up to five navigation items directly within the thumb bar. Three additional navigation items can be configured between the Home button and the Menu button. The Home and Menu buttons are locked in their locations (far left and far right, respectively) and cannot be moved, but an additional three navigation items can be added between them.
No additional items added
Three additional items added
Select to add a new navigation item. This opens the Add Nav Item window. Select a Nav item from the dropdown list of existing navigation nodes. Selecting a nav item autofills information into the remaining fields. If desired, edit the Display name and Icon for the navigation item, then select Add nav item to save and submit your changes.
Once a navigation item has been added, you can use the options menu to edit the nav item or rearrange it to the left or right. The Home and Menu items cannot be moved, but they can be edited.
Alternate nav items
If an end user doesn't have access to a navigation item configured in the mobile thumb bar, the item will automatically be replaced with an alternate navigation item.
You can configure which alternative navigation items display, and in what order they display, by using the ordered table in the Alternate nav items section.
The alternate nav items will display to end users in the order they are listed in the table. For example, if a user doesn't have access to one primary nav items, the alternate nav item placed in first (order 1) will display. Use the options icon on the right of table rows to edit a nav item or rearrange it up or down.
Preview tab
Select the Preview tab on the Mobile thumb bar page view a preview of the mobile thumb bar within the mobile app in digital banking. Select a Theme from the dropdown menu to preview how it will look when set in a specific theme.