Fixed an issue where, when adding a CSR notification, the dropdown menus in the Event category and Event subcategory fields displayed a "No data available" message. This was due to an issue with data dependencies failing to load correctly in Console Administration. Now, CSRs can add a CSR notification as expected. (CONSOLE-1841)
Updated the User profile page to prioritize displaying User information first, rather than waiting for all information contained in the upper levels of the User Management hierarchy to load. Now, selecting to open the User profile page causes User information to load and display first, with Group and Customer information loading afterwards. A small loading spinner displays while this is in progress.
Added field validation for the Name field in Customer profiles that disallows special characters in order to prevent transaction file failures. Now, if special characters are entered, the field turns red and the following message displays: "Special characters not allowed in name." (ONBD-2086)
Fixed an issue where, when editing the User Role of a User profile and selecting a dropdown menu, the expanded menu didn't remain with its respective field, and instead moved and covered other fields when scrolling up or down. (ONBD-2275)