You can use the user lists API to upload a user list to Q2 SMART. User lists created using the API must be validated within SMART before they can be added to a campaign. User lists pushed to SMART that have not been validated do not appear in the User list tab when selecting a trait. The validation process compares the users in the list to your FI's records to ensure that all users are active in digital banking.
Validating a user list is only necessary for SMART customers who upload a user list using the SMART API. User lists uploaded using the application are validated during upload. If your FI is interested in the SMART APIs, contact your Q2 Relationship Manager.
On the User lists page, select the Need to be validated tab. Any user lists created though the SMART API appear.
Select the user list you want to validate.
(Optional) Change the User list name or the Description.
Select the Validate user list button.
Select the Identifier used in CSV from the menu. The identifier determines what value SMART will use to match the user to an FIs customer.
Select the Add users to your list button.
Select Save.
The user list will now appear in the Ready to use tab on the User lists page.