The conversion value field allows FIs to apply a monetary value to each conversion within the campaign. Conversion values assist in determining the individual campaign's return on investment (ROI).
The total conversion value for a campaign is the conversion value multiplied by the number of conversions.
For example, if the conversion value entered was $5, and the campaign had 100 conversions at the time of export, then the report will show that the campaign resulted in $500.
When entering the conversion value, use a decimal point (.) to separate the dollar amount and cent(s) amount, if applicable. For example, entering "5" will return as five dollars ($5), entering ".5" or "0.5" will return as fifty cents ($0.50), and entering "5.5" will return as five dollars and fifty cents ($5.50).
The total conversion value will be reflected on the campaign export and on the campaign's report page. The total starts to populate once conversions have occurred.
When the campaign report is viewed within the UI, the total conversion value will be reflected on the Conversions card. When the Conversions card is selected and the date picker is used, the total conversion value will display the total amount of conversions for that period of time. When the campaign report is downloaded, Q2 SMART will surface the total value at that point in time for the campaign and the entered conversion value. If no value is entered, then the export for the conversion value will be left blank and the entered conversion value row will say "none entered".
The conversion value field will only be available for the types of campaigns that allow tracking of conversions and adoptions, which include Promote a deposit, Promote an investment product, Promote a loan, and Promote another product. Once a campaign has begun, this field cannot be edited.