Theme assets in Experience Builder
Assets are images used throughout digital banking to support your FI's brand or theme.
Asset elements in Theme Editor include:
- Logos
- Background images
- Interstitial images
To edit or change asset elements of a theme, elect the card of the theme you wish to work on. This opens the Edit window.
Select Assets > Logos from the left navigation menu to open the Logos page.
Large and small logos
The large Color Login Logo is the logo that only displays on the desktop login page. The small Color Logo is the logo that displays on desktop in such locations as overpanels and headers.
Select Delete above an existing logo to remove it. However, logos are required images, so if you remove a logo but do not replace it, you cannot save the Brand Logos page.
To upload a logo image, select Click to upload or drag and drop an image file into the dashed box. Currently, only PNG files are accepted.
Compliance logos
Turn the FDIC toggle on under the Compliance Logos heading to enable the FDIC logo and associated text in the relevant pages. An example of the FDIC logo is shown below.
Once all updates have been completed, select Save to save your changes. A confirmation message displays when the save is successful and Change Log creation is complete.
Background images
Select Assets > Background Images from the left navigation menu to open the Background Images page.
Select Delete above an existing background image to remove it. To upload a background image, select Click to upload or drag and drop an image file into the dashed box.
After making any background image updates, select Save to save your changes. A confirmation message displays when the save is successful and Change Log creation is complete.
Desktop and mobile backgrounds
Select the Desktop tab to edit the desktop background image. Select the Mobile tab to edit the mobile background image.
The Desktop Background image displays in the background of the desktop digital banking experience. The Mobile Background images display in the background of the mobile digital banking experience.
The Mobile Backgrounds consist of both landscape and portrait background images. These images display on the mobile login page behind the fields of login credentials. The Mobile Login Landscape Background image displays when the mobile device is turned on its side, in landscape mode. The Mobile Login Portrait Background image displays when the mobile device is held straight up, in portrait mode. Mobile background images do not require a rebuild.
Interstitial images
Select Assets > Interstitial Images from the left navigation menu to open the Interstitial Images page.
Interstitials are strategic images or graphics that display to users as they navigate between pages in digital banking.
Available interstitial images you can upload include a Desktop Interstitial, a Phone Interstitial, and a Tablet Interstitial. Phone and Table interstitials can be found under the Mobile Interstitial section. These image uploads reflect how the interstitial image will display on each device type.
Select Delete above an existing interstitial image to remove it. To upload an interstitial image, select Click to upload or drag and drop an image file into the dashed box.
After making any interstitial image updates, select Save to save your changes. A confirmation message displays when the save is successful and Change Log creation is complete.