Added an Additional Details section to the ACH Collections Details tab with more information about ACH Collections transactions. The section includes a table with ABA, Account, Type, Amount, Name, Addenda, and Email columns. (TXN-73)
Added an Additional Details section to the ACH Single Payments Details tab with more information about ACH Payments transactions. The section includes a table with ABA, Account, Type, Amount, Name, Addenda, Email, and ACH Trancode columns. (TXN-75)
Added an Additional Details section to the ACH Single Receipt Details tab with more information about ACH Single Receipt transactions. The section includes a table with ABA, Account, Type, Amount, Name, Addenda, Email, and ACH Trancode columns. (TXN-76)
Added an Additional Details section to the Payroll Details tab with more information about Payroll transactions. The section includes a table with ABA, Account, Type, Amount, Name, Addenda, Email, and ACH Trancode columns. (TXN-77)
Added an ACH PassThru Batch Details section to the ACH PassThru Details tab with more information about the batch. The section includes a table with Class Code, Company ID, Company, Effective Date, Credit Total, Debit Count, and Debit Total columns. (TXN-74)
Added an ACH PassThru Errors section to the ACH PassThru Details tab with more information about errors that occur in ACH PassThru transactions, specifically when an ACH PassThru file is uploaded by the end user. (TXN-94)
For more information about these additions, see the Transaction Type Specific Details tab section of Transaction Details.