While in the Transaction Queue, select any place on a specific transaction row to open the Transaction Details page. The Transaction Details page displays important information specific to one transaction.
For each transaction type, each Transaction Details page consists of the following elements:
At the top of the Transaction Details page, the following overall transaction information is displayed:
Transaction #—unique generated transaction ID or number (also known as the Tracking Number)
Amount—transaction amount
Transaction Type—type of transaction
Create Date—date the transaction was created or first saved
Customer Name—name of the digital banking customer against whose account the transaction was drafted
User Name—name of the digital banking end user that created the generated transaction
Status—current transaction status
The Create Date will be in accordance with the time zone configured for your FI in your Q2 database. Information may display differently depending on your browser's current time zone.
This transaction information will remain at the top of the page even when navigating between the General Details tab and the Transaction Type Details tab, both available in the left navigation menu. To return to the Transaction queue, select < Return to Transaction Queue in the top left corner of the page.
Selecting the linked Customer Name or User Name (marked with blue text and an external link) will open the corresponding Customer or User profile page in Q2 Console User Management in a new browser tab.
By default, opening the Transaction Details page will display the General Details tab. The two sections within the General Details tab are the Transaction Status section and the Transaction General Details section.
This section displays the Status and the Host Result of the transaction, which indicates whether processing was successful for a processed transaction. If the transaction was not processed (for example, if the transaction was canceled), then the Host Result field will be blank.
This section displays transaction details in the following fields:
Description—transaction description entered by the end user during creation in digital banking. If no description is provided, one may be added automatically for some transactions (for example, a Funds Transfer would display as "Funds Transfer via Online").
Process Method—process method to which Process Wizard or ACH Automation will assign to the transaction. Process method examples include ACH Transactions, Batch Transactions, Custom Output File, Manually Processed Transactions, and Real Time Transactions.
Product—name of the account product, as identified at your FI.
Product Type—name of the account product type, as identified at your FI.
Modified By—the User (if any) who last modified this transaction. Transactions can only be modified prior to processing and only by an end user with rights to do so. A transaction cannot be modified if it was created through file upload.
Modified Date—date and time (if applicable) when the transaction was modified.
Process On—for ACH transactions, displays the process date the system assigned to the transaction when created. For ACH PassThru files, the end user specifies a process date. (applies to Cancelled, Drafted, Host Failed, Pending Processing and Processed transactions).
Processed Date—date and time the transaction was processed.
Currency—currency used to measure the Transaction Amount (usually in US dollars, or USD).
Recurring Transaction ID—unique ID for a recurring transaction series.
Authorized By—user record name of the end user who approved the transaction (applies to Host Failed, Pending Processing, and Processed transaction types).
Authorized Date—date and time when the transaction was approved (applies to Host Failed, Pending Processing, and Processed transaction types).
Login Activity—score (if any) that Q2 Sentinel assigned to the login session during which this transaction was authorized.
Transaction Activity—score (if any) that Q2 Sentinel assigned to this transaction when it was authorized.
Originating Account Number—account from which funds are being withdrawn to fund this transaction.
External Account Number—account number that displays on the end user's checks (if any).
Channel—Q2 product that was used to draft the transaction (for example, Internet).
Some fields may remain blank or null depending on the transaction status or transaction changes.
The Process Date will be in accordance with the time zone configured for your FI in the Q2 database. Information may display differently depending on your browser's current time zone.
The second tab in the Transaction Details page is specific to the Transaction Type, and displays the Transaction Type name in the tab name. For example, the second tab displays as Funds Transfer Details if the transaction is a funds transfer.
Each transaction type will have its own Details tab. The details contained in this tab are specific to the type of transaction, and fields may vary between transaction types.
For example, the ACH Collections Details tab, ACH Single Payment Details tab, ACH Single Receipt Details tab, ACH Payments Details tab, and Payroll Details tab have the following fields:
Company Name
Company Entry Description
Company ID
Effective Entry Date
Host Result
ACH Class Code
ACH Trancode
ACH Description
Detail Transactions
Same Day Processing Required
The Additional Details section in the ACH Collections Details, ACH Payment Details, ACH Single Receipt Details, Payroll Details, and ACH PassThru Details tabs contains more specific information displayed in a table.
The following additional transaction details exist for ACH Collections, ACH Payment, ACH Single Receipt, Payroll and ACH PassThru:
Account number
ACH TranCode
Additionally, the search bar in the Additional Details section lets you search for specific information in the table cells. The search bar is not case-sensitive and accepts partial searches.
Within the ACH PassThru Details tab, the ACH PassThru Errors section contains more information about errors that occur in ACH PassThru transactions, specifically when an ACH PassThru file is uploaded by the end user.
Data components include:
Error Type (prior name in Q2central)
Error Description (prior name in Q2central)
Line Number
For additional information regarding the ACH PassThru error tables, please see ACH PassThru details in Q2 Console Transactions.
Additional information related to specific details about several different Transaction Types will be forthcoming.