Updates to release notes made after the upcoming release notes were published are noted with a *NEW* tag.
Added a report status of Invalid Parameter to the User Activity Report in Generated Reports. This status will replace the existing Failed report status if a user enters an incorrect value for a report parameter. (CREPORT-975)
Added improvements to how data is compiled for Generated Reports to reduce failures and improve overall performance. This change is not overtly testable, but basic Generated Report workflow testing can validate performance to ensure there were no adverse outcomes from this change. (CREPORT 970, CREPORT-1012, CREPORT-971, CREPORT-1023).
Updated the User Preferences Updates Report in Generated Reports to return only successful profile actions. Previously, the report returned all actions, regardless of whether they were successful. (CREPORT-1013)
*NEW* Removed the Scoring field from the CSR Front End Audit Report in Generated Reports for FIs who don't have the Q2 Sentinel product. Added the Scoring audit action as a separate line to the same report for FIs who do have the Q2 Sentinel product. The addition contains details on whether the audit action was successful. (CREPORT-1028)
*NEW* Removed the Scoring field from the User Activity Report in Generated Reports for FIs who don't have the Q2 Sentinel product. Added the Scoring audit action as a separate line to the same report for FIs who do have the Q2 Sentinel product. The addition contains details on whether the audit action was successful. (CREPORT-1027)
The Transactions tile has been added to the Q2 Console dashboard. Selecting the Transactions tile opens the Transactions landing page. The All Transactions tile has been added to the Transaction landing page, which contains the Transaction Queue. The Transaction Queue enables FI staff to view financial and non-financial transactions generated in digital banking by an end user. This in turn will allow FI staff to maintain and monitor generated transactions in digital banking, as well as research and respond to inquiries related to transactions.
The below image details the default state of the Transaction Queue, which is empty until search filters or search terms are applied, like with User Management.
For more information on the required entitlements necessary to access the All Transactions tile within Q2 Console Transactions, see the Q2 Console Transactions Overview.
FIs can search, sort, and filter through the table in the Transaction Queue. For more information on features within the Transactions Queue, see Transaction Queue in Q2 Console.
Selecting the table row of a specific transaction will open the Transaction Details page with information specific to that transaction. For more information on Transaction Details, see Transaction Details in Q2 Console.
(TXN-53, TXN-52, TXN-3)