This section includes upcoming changes for future releases.
Any updates to release notes after the preview release notes are published are noted with a *NEW* tag.
EVE 1.4 includes the following new extracts:
GettingStartedUserEnrollment—contains data pertaining to users enrolling in the Getting Started extension. (DE-1207)
GettingStartedUserActivity—contains data pertaining to actions taken by users when interacting with the Getting Started extension. (DE-1207)
GettingStartedConfiguration—contains data pertaining to the definitions of and information about events, tasks, and groups within the Getting Started Extension. (DE-1207)
The Getting Started extension is currently not available to all financial institutions and may not be implemented for your FI. If your FI does not have the Getting Started extension, the above extracts will be blank.
DomesticWireActivity—contains data on the past 24 hours of processed domestic wires, including the purpose of the wire. (DE-962)
InternationalWireActivity—contains data on the past 24 hours of processed international wires, including the purpose of the wire. (DE-962)
TemplateAccess—contains information regarding which users have access to templates, which are used to save payment information for money movements. (DE-1236)
Added a to_account_number_internal column to the GeneratedTransactionActivity extract to maintain parity between EVE and the Standard Data Extract (SDE). (DE-1163)
Added a template_id column to the Recipient extract to provide more thorough recipient data. (DE-1216)
Added clarifying information to the Templates extract to indicate the addition of the TemplateAccess extract. (DE-1236)
*NEW* Added clarifying note to Template extract that explains that when the user_id field is null, the value displays as -1. (DE-1265)
Added a recurring_transaction_id to the UnProcessedTransactions extract to allow FIs to identify unprocessed recurring transactions. (DE-1254)
Added four new columns to the UserAdmin extract:
manage_user_entitlements and manage_add_users to indicate which users have the rights to manage or add other users
manage_company_policy to provide information on allowing the administration of a company policy
manage_subsidiaries to indicate which users can add or edit subsidiaries
Updated the EStatementData extract to indicate which host accounts have estatements, as well as provide additional clarifying information regarding the user_id field, to improve overall accuracy. (DE-1252)
Updated the UserData extract to exclude users that were deleted more than three years ago to align with Q2's data retention policy. (DE-1143)
*NEW* Updated the recip_address_3 and email_address column headings in the InternationalWireActivity extract to payee_address_3 and payee_email_address, respectively. These changes provide consistency between columns in the InternationalWireActivity and DomesticWireActivity extracts. (DE-1264)
*NEW* Added ui_source_id and channel_description columns to the UserLogon extract to provide additional information on which source channels Logon IDs are attached to. (DE-1142)
*NEW* Updated the EVE 1.4 Schema to remove primary key constraints for the Security_alert_id field (located in the DeliveredSecurityAlert file) as well as the Audit_id field (located in the Audit_Score) file. (DE-1152)