This section describes the workflow that occurs when a user initially configures their CardSwap account. In this process, users add providers, enter their card information, and link their provider accounts.
To set up CardSwap
Select Get Started. The Select Merchants page appears, displaying a list of provider tiles.
Select your desired providers from the available provider tiles or use the Search bar to locate additional providers.
Select Learn more for more information about the account linking process.
Select Next Step to begin the Add Card step.
Fill in each of the card information fields with the specified card information.
Select Add Card.
If successful, the card confirmation popup will appear at the bottom of the page.
Fill in each of the account fields with the specified account information.
Enter the login credentials for the provider you selected in step 1. If you have multiple providers to configure, you can use the provider toggle to switch to the next provider.
Select Link Account.
Once all provider fields are filled in, a confirmation dialog appears. Select Finish to complete the process.