From the CardSwap page, you can view the following CardSwap data:
Number of unique landing page visitors
Number of enrolled users
Number of successful swaps, displayed as an average based on the number of enrolled users
Number of completed swaps, in total
Filter—the list of user traction and providers within a specified date range between From Date and To Date.
Clear Filters—the option to reset the list's filter criteria to null.
Unique Visits—the number of unique landing page visitors.
Users Enrolled—the number of users that have performed at least one swap.
Swaps Per User—the number of successful swaps, displayed as an average based on the number of enrolled users.
Total Swaps—the total number of successful swaps.
Traction—the number of card swaps from the previous 11 months depicted as a graph. Can be viewed based on per day, per month, or per year criteria.
CardSwap displays the most swapped providers, based on data from the Traction graph. Filter criteria can be applied to show only top providers between specified dates.
If filter criteria is not applied, only top providers results up to the current date and within the default date range will be shown.