From the Settings page, you can view the following data related to basic institution settings:
Options for payment methods
The Payment Method Verification field
The Payment Method Restrictions field
Application and API security
The API Key field
From this page, you can also view and edit the notifications webhook URL.
Users with the Administrator role in Nexus can access the Users, Transactions, and Settings pages. and can add team members to Nexus.
Administrators can also modify or create new roles and assign team members to roles. Options for adding team members and assigning roles are available from the Profile () icon on the right side of Nexus's top navigation bar.
Users with the Employee role can also access the CardSwap, Users, Transactions, and Settings pages.
The Employee role isn't permitted to add team members in Nexus. The API key in the Settings tab is also hidden for users with the Employee role.
Financial Institution Name—the specified FI's given name.
Abbreviation—the abbreviated name of the user's banking institution for the chosen payment method.
Financial Institution Color—the theme color for buttons in the CardSwap UI.
API key—the identifier for your specific instance of CardSwap.
Disregard information in the API Key field.
If needed, select the generate button () to the right of the API Key field to generate a new API key.
FDIC Number—identifier number for banking institutions.
Disregard information in the FDIC Number field.
NCUA Number—identifier number for credit unions.
Disregard information in the NCUA Number field.
External Identifier Number—identifier number designated by your FI to identify itself publicly.
Disregard information in the External Identifier Number field.
Asset Size—identifier for FIs with a net worth greater than or less than $1 billion. Disregard information in this field.
The Payment Method Restrictions page allows you to specify the following criteria for transactions:
Card Verification Transaction Soft Descriptor—provides information about the USD0.00 pre-authorization verification transaction that is charged to the added payment card.
The transaction descriptor information can be customized, but can't exceed 22 characters.
Verification Transaction City and State—city and state associated with the debit or credit card pre-authorization transaction.
Routing Number—refers to accepted routing numbers.
You can choose to accept any routing number or specify which routing numbers are accepted.
BIN Codes—specifies the BIN codes CardSwap will accept.
When BIN codes aren't enforced, CardSwap can accept any payment card without restrictions.When BIN codes are enforced and a user attempts to add a card with a BIN code that doesn't match an accepted value, the card will be rejected. The user will receive an error message and will need to add their customer's payment card instead.
Email & Text Messages—specifies whether your users can enroll in email and phone notifications.
When the Enabled checkbox is selected, the option to enroll in notifications as well as the Notifications button become available in the product.
When the Enabled checkbox is not selected, users do not have the option to receive notifications and the Notifications button will not be available in the product.
Limit Bank Payments—enabling this field will have no effect, as it was previously used with Biller Direct.
Disregard the Limit Bank Payments field, as it is no longer in use
Mask Credentials—indicates if sensitive user inputs, including passwords and security question answers, should be hidden.
You can specify the webhook endpoint that will receive CardSwap notifications, which you must enter manually. Use this field when sending your own notifications in place of Q2's notifications.
If you include a webhook endpoint in this field, you will also need to disable Q2's email and text message notifications by clearing your selection for the Enabled checkbox from the Emails & Texts Messages section.