The CSR Audit Report serves as an audit log of most actions done by CSRs, including values that have been changed, entitlements that have been updated, and events that have occurred.
The report shows the indicated fields as they existed both prior to the change action and after the change action.
This report returns only audit actions taken within the Back Office channel. Actions completed in digital banking via CSR Assist or by an end user will not be included in this report.
To view and use Generated Reports in Q2 Console Reporting, you'll need specific rights (permissions) assigned to you in Q2 Console Administration related to generating reports. CSR rights are configured on the Administration > CSR Roles page in Q2 Console.
For information on the required entitlements to view and run the CSR Audit Report, see the "Generated Reports rights" section of Rights for CSR Roles in Q2 Console.
In the Generate report tab of the Generated Reports page, select CSR Audit Report from the list of available reports.
Search parameters within this report include:
Start Date
End Date
CSR Login Name (optional)—use if you wish to search for actions carried out by a specific CSR Login
CSR Audit Actions (optional)—use if you wish to search for a specific action carried out by CSRs
For best results, it's strongly recommended to use the optional parameters to limit returned report results. If a specific CSR Login Name or specific CSR Audit Actions aren't selected, the report will return all available data.
Indicate the date range to search by selecting a date in the Start Date and End Date fields. Use the calendar date selector to determine the earliest date from which you can pull data.
After setting the parameters, select Run Report to generate the report. When completed, the generated report will show in the Reports tab and can be downloaded. You can download or export the completed report as a CSV or PDF file.
The following table provides more information on terms you may encounter within the CSR Audit Report. The terms in the Action and Action name columns are listed as they appear in a generated report, if applicable. The Action definition column provides a more in-depth explanation of what occurs when the audit action takes place.
Table 21. CSR audit report actions
Action |
Action name |
Action definition |
Create a new Customer |
AddCustomer |
A new Customer profile has been added. |
Create a new Customer Group |
AddGroup |
A new Group profile has been added. |
Create a new user |
AddUserProfile |
A new User profile has been added. |
Admin: Add Subsidiary |
AdminAddSubsidiary |
A CSR added a subsidiary on a Customer profile. |
Admin: Delete Subsidiary |
AdminDeleteSubsidiary |
A CSR deleted a subsidiary from a Customer profile. |
Admin: Edit Subsidiary |
AdminEditSubsidiary |
A CSR edited a subsidiary from a Customer profile. |
Administrator login |
LogonAdmin |
A CSR initiated an HQ session by logging into a back office application (such as User Management, Administration, or Reporting). |
ApprovePolicyChangeCompanyByCsr |
ApprovePolicyChangeCompanyByCsr |
A CSR changed or approved a policy change for a Company. NoteThis audit action may not be available for all FIs. |
ApprovePolicyChangeCustomerByCsr |
ApprovePolicyChangeCustomerByCsr |
A CSR approved a policy change for a Customer. |
ApprovePolicyChangeGroupByCsr |
ApprovePolicyChangeGroupByCsr |
A CSR approved a policy change for a Group. |
ApprovePolicyChangeUserByCsr |
ApprovePolicyChangeUserByCsr |
A CSR approved a policy change for a User. NoteThis audit action may not be available for all FIs. |
ApprovePolicyChangeUserRoleByCsr |
ApprovePolicyChangeUserRoleByCsr |
A CSR approved a policy change for a User Role. |
BackOffice Subsidiary Delete Route |
boc_subsidiary:DELETE |
A CSR user deleted a a subsidiary on a Customer profile in Q2 Associate. |
BackOffice Subsidiary Put Route |
boc_subsidiary:PUT |
A CSR user added or edited a subsidiary on a Customer profile in Q2 Associate. |
Change an administrator password |
ChangeAdminPassword |
A CSR user changed their own password. |
Change an administrator password status |
ChangeAdminPasswordStatus |
The status of an CSR's password changed. |
Change a password for an end user |
ChangePasswordOnBehalfOf |
A CSR changed a password for an end user. |
Change an end users password status |
ChangePasswordStatus |
A CSR changed the status of an end user's password. |
Change Password Status - Disabled |
ChangePasswordStatusDisabled |
A CSR changed an end user's password status to disabled. |
Console CSR Login |
ConsoleCSRLogin |
A CSR logged into Q2 Console (started a Q2 Console session). |
DeclinePolicyChangeUserByCsr |
DeclinePolicyChangeUserByCsr |
A CSR declined an end-user policy change. NoteOccurs when dual approval is required. |
Delete a customer |
DeleteCustomer |
A CSR deleted a Customer profile. |
Delete a group |
DeleteGroup |
A CSR deleted a Group profile. |
Delete a user |
DeleteUser |
A CSR deleted a User profile. |
Delete a user logon |
DeleteUserLogin |
A User Login has been deleted. |
Set entitlements |
SetEntitlements |
A CSR created or updated one or more of the following: features, transaction rights and limits, ACH settings, or preferences for a Group, Customer, or User. NoteACH settings only apply to Customers and Groups. Preferences only apply to Groups. |
Set Policy Data for a Company by a CSR |
SetPolicyDataCompanyByCsr |
A CSR updated or saved the company policy for Policy Dashboard transaction rights, features, and accounts for a Customer profile. NoteThis audit action may not be available for all FIs. |
Set Policy Data for a Customer by a CSR |
SetPolicyDataCustomerByCsr |
A CSR user updated or saved the Policy Dashboard transaction rights, features, and accounts for a Customer profile. |
Set Policy Data for a Group by a CSR |
SetPolicyDataGroupByCsr |
A CSR user updated or saved the Policy Dashboard transaction rights and features for a Group profile. |
Set Policy Data for a User by a CSR |
SetPolicyDataUserByCsr |
A CSR user updated or saved the Policy Dashboard transaction rights, features, and accounts for a User profile. NoteThis audit action may not be available for all FIs. |
Set Policy Data for a User Role by a CSR |
SetPolicyDataUserRoleByCsr |
A CSR user updated or saved the Policy Dashboard transaction rights, features, and accounts for a User Role profile. |
Update a Customer |
UpdateCustomer |
A CSR user updated a Customer profile. |
Update a user logon |
UpdateUserLogon |
A CSR user updated a User Login profile. |
Update a user profile |
UpdateUserProfile |
A CSR user updated a User profile. |
Set Policy Data for a Company by a CSE CSR |
SetPolicyDataCompanyByCsrCse |
A CSR user created a demo online banking profile, including policy rights, for a prospect customer in Interactive Test Drive. This action set the policy data for the company. NoteThis audit action may not be available for all FIs. |
Set Policy Data for a Customer by a CSE CSR |
SetPolicyDataCustomerbyCsrCse |
A CSR user created a demo online banking profile, including policy rights, for a prospective customer in Interactive Test Drive. This action set the policy data for the Customer. NoteThis audit action may not be available for all FIs. |
Set Policy Data for a Group by a CSE CSR |
SetPolicyDataGroupByCsrCse |
A CSR user created a demo online banking profile, including policy rights, for a prospective customer in Interactive Test Drive. This action set the policy data for the customer's Group. NoteThis audit action may not be available for all FIs. |
Set Policy Data for a User by a CSE CSR |
SetPolicyDataUserByCsrCse |
A CSR user created a demo online banking profile, including policy rights, for a prospective customer in Interactive Test Drive. This action set the policy data for the user. NoteThis audit action may not be available for all FIs. |
Set Policy Data for a User Role by a CSE CSR |
SetPolicyDataUserRoleByCsrCse |
A CSR user created a demo online banking profile, including policy rights, for a prospective customer in Interactive Test Drive. This action set the policy data for the User Role. NoteThis audit action may not be available for all FIs. |
When generated, the CSR Audit Report contains the following columns about each audit action:
date—date the audit action occurred
type—type of change that occurred, as referenced in the "Action name" column in the table above
action—audit action that occurred, as referenced in the "Action" column in the table above
changed_item—what changed when the audit action occurred, including contextual content such as the account number that was affected by the change
before—UI or system value before the audit action occurred
after—UI or system value after the audit action occurred
result_message—message that details what happens as a result of the audit action
result—whether the audit action occurred successfully
When generated, the CSR Audit Report contains the following columns about the CSR user that completed the audit action:
csr_id—ID of the CSR that completed the audit action
csr_name—name of the CSR that completed the audit action
csr_login—login of the CSR that completed the audit action
session_id—unique session ID that occurred when the CSR completed the audit action
When generated, the CSR Audit Report contains the following columns about the end user (if the end user was affected by the audit action):
user_name—name of the User who was affected by the action (if applicable)
customer_name—name of the Customer who was affected by the action (if applicable)
user_login—login of the user affected by the action (if applicable)
For more information on generating reports in Q2 Console, see Generated Reports in Q2 Console Reporting.