This release includes the following updates:
Added the ability to enable, disable, and delete Users from the options menu in the User list section of the User pane. (ONBD-582)
Added the ability to enable, disable, and delete Logins from the options menu in the Login list section of the Login pane. (ONBD-580)
Added the ability to unlink Exact/TMS customers in the ExactTMS section of the Customer pane. (ONBD-613)
Updated the Group list in the Profile section of the Customer pane to be alphabetical. (ONBD-607)
Updated the table in the Feature rights section of the Customer and User panes so that columns are sortable. (ONBD-337)
Added a toggle to the Transaction types graph on the Transactions page that allows users to switch between the Count and Amount displays. (DE-416)
Added a Help button to the user menu that links to the Reporting Help. (DE-425)
Added an Options menu to the graphs on the Sessions, Transactions, and Security pages that allows users to access information About this data. (DE-438)
Added About this data dialog boxes to the Sessions, Transactions, and Security pages that include links to the Data Glossary in the Reporting Help. (DE-439)