You can now search, view, add, edit, enable, disable, and delete Q2central CSR notifications in Q2 Console. Access Q2central CSR notifications from the Administration dropdown. (CONSOLE-738)
Q2 Console added a new page to allow CSRs to manage password policies at Administration > Password policy. The Password policy page allows CSRs with admin rights to view and manage the password policies for the Back Office, Internet, and Voice digital banking channels. (CONSOLE-809, CONSOLE-812, CONSOLE-839)
CSRs that support both PRODUCTION and TEST environments can now access these environments from the new location in the FI name dropdown. (CONSOLE-512)
CSRs that support multiple FIs can now switch between FIs using a new dropdown in the Q2 Console header.
When a CSR initially logs in to Q2 Console, they log in to the most recently selected FI, and the Q2 Console landing page displays the tile set assigned to the CSR for that FI. When the CSR switches to a different FI, they are now reauthenticated, and the Q2 Console landing page displays the tile set associated with the newly selected FI. This feature must be enabled for interested FIs. Contact your Q2 Customer Success Manager for more information. (CONSOLE-1028)
Added an Open Management Console button to the Edit CSR login info and View CSR login info windows to the Q2central Production profile. When selected, a new tab opens and displays the Security token provider management app. (CONSOLE-972)
For FIs with Zones enabled, updated the order of Zones in the Zones dropdown to have production Zones appear first in the list, and non-production Zones, such as Interactive Test Drive, below the production Zones. (CONSOLE-1045, CONSOLE-1069)
Added the ability to expand the Console tile sets content by selecting any row. (CONSOLE-998)
Added the ability to expand the Message groups content by selecting any row. (CONSOLE-1000)
Added the ability to expand the Bank holidays content by selecting any row. (CONSOLE-1001)
Added the ability to expand the CSR roles content by selecting any row. (CONSOLE-1002)
Updated the header bar FI name on the Q2 Console landing page and on the Q2 Console User Management, Self Service Forms, and Administration applications to be consistent with the FI name used by Q2 Co-Pilot. (BOAPI-759)