This release includes the following updates:
You can now add, edit, and delete external accounts for Customers and Users in the External accounts tab of the Customer and User panes.
In addition, the Accounts tab has been separated into two subtabs, Internal accounts and External accounts, where you can separately manage internal and external accounts for a Customer and User.
(ONBD-902, ONBD-931)
Added the ability to manage digital banking ACH aggregate limits in the new ACH tab of the Customer pane. (ONBD-424)
Updated the Groups list in the Profile tab of the Customer pane to hide Groups that belong to Zones the CSR doesn't have access to. (ONBD-855)
Improved the SAC contacts section in the Profile tab of the User pane to simplify adding, editing, and deleting SAC contacts. (ONBD-891)
Added new columns to the User list table in the User pane to show which Users can Manage Users and Manage User roles.
The Manage User roles column only appears for Business/Corporate Customers.
Added a print button in the upper-right corner of the page that allows users to print reports. This option generates accessible, user-friendly PDFs. (CREPORT-42)