This release includes the following updates:
Made the following updates to the Accounts section of the Customer pane:
Added the ability to delete accounts. (ONBD-330)
Updated the Accounts section to make sure that accounts display the correct account rights (view, deposit, and withdraw) available to the end user. (ONBD-509)
Removed misleading CIF account grouping. (ONBD-331)
Added the ability to add Customers, Users, and Logins through a simplified workflow, that can be accessed from Add button on the Search page. (ONBD-417)
Added the ability to link an existing Exact/TMS customer to a digital banking Customer in the ExactTMS section of the Customer pane. (ONBD-405)
Updated the accordion structure to show User and Login information for Customers with a single User and Login. (ONBD-496)
Updated the accordion structure to hide the User and Login panes if the Customer has:
Updated the accordion structure to show User and Login information for Customers with a single User and Login. (ONBD-496)
Updated the accordion structure to hide the User and Login panes if the Customer has:
No Users
No Logins
More than one User
More than one Login