Add new CSR notifications and delete existing CSR notifications.
Select Add notification.
Enter the Login Name (Email).
Select an event from the Event category dropdown.
Select an event form the Event subcategory dropdown.
Select an occurrence specification from the Occurrence dropdown.
(Optional) Select the Enable this notification checkbox.
Select Save.
Enable new CSR notifications upon completion, and enable or disable existing CSR notifications.
Follow steps 1-5 of the Add CSR notification workflow.
Select the Enable this notification checkbox > Save.
Select options > Enable CSR notification on the row of the currently disabled notification.
Notifications that are disabled are indicated with the disabled icon in the Enabled column.
Select Enable in the Enable CSR notification? dialog. The status of the newly enabled CSR notification is indicated with the enabled icon in the Enabled column.
Select options > Disable CSR notification on the row of the currently enabled notification.
Notifications that are enabled are indicated with the enabled icon in the Enabled column.
Select Disable in the Disable CSR notification? dialog.
A success dialog appears. The status of the newly disabled CSR notification is indicated with the disabled icon in the Enabled column.
Edit CSR notifications to update your preferences as needed.
To edit a CSR notification:
Select options > Edit CSR notification on the row of the desired notification.
Enter the updated Login Name (Email).
Select the appropriate event from the Event category dropdown.
Select the appropriate event form the Event subcategory dropdown.
Select an occurrence specification from the Occurrence dropdown.
(Optional) Select the Enable this notification checkbox.
Select Save.