November 2, 2023 (Experience Builder [Q2 Config] 6.32.0)
This release includes the following updates:
What's new
Introducing draft promotion in Q2 Config
Promotion is a new feature in Q2 Config where you can copy a published draft from one environment and automatically create a new draft with the same changes in another environment. This feature removes the manual task of recreating changes for publishing when moving from one environment to another.
As a result of this update, changes made in a Public Testing Environment (PTE) or a Forward (FWD) environment no longer need to be manually added and published to a Production (PRD) environment. Instead, you can promote drafts from one environment to another with increased efficiency.
During the Promotion process, Q2 Config imports the database, checks to make sure the desired changes do not already exist in the desired environment, and copies the changes over for you. This process is intended to help prevent issues with the Preview or Publish workflows. The new draft in the new environment will still need to be previewed and published, but the changes will already be live in the Change Log.
For more information about the Promotion feature, visit Promoting drafts in Q2 Config.
- Fixed an issue where page elements didn't display consistently on new navigational landing pages (NLPs) in UUX. (OPS-2857)
- Fixed an issue where changes to section order didn't update successfully on new NLPs in UUX . (OPS-2738)
- Fixed an issue where new NLP sections and tiles failed to publish successfully and displayed a "Failed to Publish" error message. Now, new NLP sections and tiles publish as expected. (OPS-3122)
- Fixed an issue in the Standard Menu where the option menu values visually cut off when editing a smaller list of navigation nodes.