This release includes the following updates:
This version of Q2 Goals requires UUX or later.
Previously, Q2 Goals provided "promoted" categories of savings calls to action (CTAs) that received special treatment. For users without active goals, this "promoted" category displayed in the first position with a division from other CTAs. After creating a goal, the "promoted" category remained in the first position.
Now, after a user creates their first goal, all CTAs display to the right of any active goals, as shown in the following image:
Added new options to include an E-Sign Agreement disclosure in addition to the Truth in Savings disclosure when creating a new goal.
Added the ability to hide specific HADEs for Goals accounts on the Account Details page by setting the display order to a negative value. (GOAL-306)
When a user selects a goal that is funded within 5% of the target amount, they are now taken directly to the Details tab with the Transfer and Close button displayed below the status. (GOAL-336)
Removed the Reason list from the Transfer and close goal window when users close a goal that is funded within 5% of the target amount. Now, users are sent directly to the Deposit Account list to select an account for funds transfer. (GOAL-335)
Previously, when a user created a goal without funding it, they were sent to the Details tab, which caused user confusion. Users are now sent to the Transactions tab after closing the create goal workflow whether they funded the goal or not. (GOAL-337)