Guides in Q2 Discover
The Guides () page offers a list of guides created by your organization. Administrators have added capabilities, which include theme management and guide creation.
The Guides page includes the ability to filter Guides results for set segments, for time periods, and by search keywords in the search bar.
Select download CSV () to download a CSV file of Guides results.
Columns in the Guides results include:
Guide Name—displays the selectable name of the specific guide. Selecting the guide will open a guide management page for administrators.
Status—displays the editable status of the guide, with options including Draft, Disabled, and Public.
Last updated by—displays the user name of who last updated the guide.
Created by—displays the user name of who created the guide.
Activation—displays the activation process for the guide.
# of Steps—displays the number of steps in the guide for users.
Guide Views—displays the number of views of the guide.
Targeted Segment—displays criteria for any segments applied to the guide.
Theme management
To manage your theme in Visual Design Studio, select the Manage Theme button.
Guide creation
To create a new guide
Select the + Create Guide button.
Set the starting layout.
Note: Q2 Discover has multiple preset layouts in Default Layouts, as well as multiple Start From Scratch options. -
Edit the name by selecting My Guide in the guide's page.
Make any additional edits to Settings and Metrics tabs in the guide's page.
To add building blocks
In Visual Design Studio, Select add (). If adding an initial block to an empty guide, select + Click to Add Content.
Select the building block type you're adding. Available building blocks include:
Horizontal Line
Date Block
Open Text Poll
Yes/No Poll
Number Scale Poll
Multi Choice Poll
Code Block
Hover in the side, top, or bottom margins to add additional building blocks using the add () icon.
When finished, select Done > Save > Exit.
Guide options
Selecting the displayed name of a specific guide from the Guides page will open a page for administrators to manage the guide.
Available actions from the top of the guide management page include the ability to:
Return to the Guides page, by selecting Back to Guide List.
Modify the status of the guide, by selecting the appropriate status from the status menu.
- Clone the guide, by selecting options () > Clone Guide.
Copy the guide, by selecting options () > Copy Guide.
Clear guide data, by selecting options () > Clear Guide Data.
Delete guide data, by selecting options () > Delete Guide.
Preview guide, by selecting options () > Preview Guide.
- View guide history, by selecting options () > View edit history.
Guide Settings tab
The guide Settings tab includes the ability to manage:
Content—modifies guide content, with the ability to set language in the Viewing menu, Download PDF, Preview, and Manage in App.
Note: Selecting Manage in App will open an Edit Guide Step window. To proceed, enter your desired URL and select Launch Visual Design Studio. -
Activation—displays guide activation status, with Edit ability.
Segment—displays current targeted segmentation of viewers, with Edit ability.
Scheduling—displays current deliver frequency, with Edit ability.
Localization—displays current translated localization options, with Edit ability.
Localization enables you to deliver in-application messages and guides in different languages.
To update translations, take the following steps:
Complete all needed edits to a guide in your preferred language.
Note: Always start with a completed guide. The translation file will not update if you edit your guide content in Visual Design Studio after exporting your XLIFF file. You'll need to repeat the export, translate, and import process if you make content changes. -
In the Guide Details page of the completed guide, verify the authored language shown in Localization matches the guide's current language.
Note: US English is often what guides are set to, but this can be modified as needed. -
Select Edit () > Export to export content as an XLIFF 1.2 format file.
Note: Alternate text and URL used for images are available for translation in the XLIFF, but text in an image will not be translated. If you have a URL for an image that includes target language translations in the image, provide it instead of the original image. -
Provide the XLIFF file to a third-party translator external to Q2 Discover.
Note: Q2 Discover does not provide translation for guides, meaning you will need to acquire third-party translation services to complete this process. -
Import content back into Q2 Discover in Localization > Edit > Import. Then select Done.
Note: The XLIFF file must match the corresponding guide. If the content of the XLIFF file does not match the Guide, the import will fail. The upload validates that all target containers have translated content. If some target containers are empty, a notification informs you that some content may be missing but the file is still imported. -
Test and preview your translated guide by selecting the appropriate language from the Viewing menu.
Note: You can make changes to the XLIFF file and reimport as many times as you need. -
Publish the guide.
Working with XLIFF code
XLIFF is the industry-standard for content strings translation and localization. It identifies the specific UI elements and text contents, the original and translated languages, and the original and translated content.
The XLIFF file exported from Q2 Discover provides the code for all translatable content in the entire guide. Each object is organized by <trans-unit>
in the code. The file exported from Q2 Discover is ready for translation and does not have a target language or any target content.
A trans-unit is an individual block of text in the code. You may have multiple trans-units in a single guide step. It's important that each trans-unit is translated individually. Translating multiple blocks of text in a single trans-unit is unsupported. You can edit the translated phrasing in the XLIFF file for the target language to improve readability and formatting in the rendered version of the translated Guide if needed.
Responsive layouts
Guide layouts can be set to be responsive to the size of the display screen. This allows for the same guide to be used across devices with different screen ratios.
To make a guide responsive
- In the Visual Design Studio, open the Edit container window in one of your guide steps.
- In the Styling tab, under the Dimensions section, select Fluid.
- Enter a percentage amount in the Width field, or enter a minimum and maximum pixel width in the Min Width and Max Width fields.
Note: The default percentage width and maximum pixel width are based on the screen you are currently using to view the guide.
Previewing responsive layouts
Once the layout of a guide has been made responsive, you can preview guides in various screen ratios to see how they appear on different screen dimensions.
Currently, you can preview the guide in Desktop, Tablet, Mobile, or Custom dimensions.
You can use the menu on the main guide page or the menu in the Content block to open the preview window.
To preview a guide using the main page menu
- Select options in the upper right corner.
- SelectPreview Guide from the dropdown.
To preview a guide using the Content block menu
- In the Content block of the Settings tab, select Preview.
- Select Preview options.
To launch a guide preview
- Under Launch Guide in the Preview settings window, select New window to test a responsive guide.
- Under Screen Size, select the screen ratio you wish to use for the preview, or enter a specific pixel width and height under Custom.
- Select Launch preview.
Guide edit history
You can view the history of a guide in order to track what revisions were made and identify who made them.
To access guide edit history:
- Go to the Guides tab.
- Select a guide in the Settings tab to open up its details page.
- Select the options menu in the top right corner.
- Select View edit history to open the Edit history page.
The Edit history page displays revisions made to guides and guide steps. To view edits made to a guide, select a guide from the Revisions list. This displays the current version and the previous version of the guide side-by-side. You can see any changes made to a specific step under the relevant step. Select the arrow in the top right corner of the guide details to expand it.
Filtering revision edits
You can then filter the guide revisions to only include changes made by a specific user or on a specific date.
To filter guide revisions:
- Select a name of a user (or multiple users) from the Updated by dropdown menu. You can also use the search field to enter a specific name.
- Select a desired date range from the Select date dropdown menu.
Guide Metrics
The Metrics tab, accessed from selecting a specific guide, provides metrics for how users are interacting with a specific guide, to include:
Guide views
Time in guide
Guide elements
Guide activity
These metrics can be restricted or expanded by target segment or date range.
Guide views
The first chart on the Metrics tab provides a summary of guide views and viewers.
Depending on the selected starting time-frame (Today, Yesterday, Last X Days, or a Custom Range), you can select Hourly, Daily, Weekly, or Monthy in Views or Visitors. Each time period will show the total number of views or visitors, broken down by first-time and repeat views.
Average time on guide
This chart displays the average time spent in the guide.
Visitors average time per guide step
This chart provides the number of visitors that reached each step of the walk through, within the segment and date range provided.
Guide element table
Buliding block guide elements usage, measured by clicks, is captured in the Guide Element table. The table can be modified by selecting Show Deleted Elements and Group By Step.
Table results can be downloaded as a CSV file, by selecting download the CSV () icon.
Columns include:
Name—displays the name of the element
Element Type—displays the type of the element
Note: Possible Element Types include Close Button, Button Building Blocks and associated actions, and Links in Markdown Text. -
Action—displays the action type of the element
Note: Possible Action types include Next Step, Previous Step, URL Link, Dismiss, Go to Step, Snooze Guide, Submit All Polls + Advance, Submit All Polls + Go to Step, and Launch Guide. -
Number of Clicks—displays the selectable number of clicks by users, with selecting the number further opening a list of the users who selected the element
Note: Selecting the number of clicks allows you to export to a CSV file or to create a new segment targeting the users who selected the element. -
% of Clicks—displays the percentage of visitors that selected the element
Guide activity table
Guide activity is measured with the Guide Activity table, which includes a progress bar to measure user progress.
The Guide Activity table can be filtered By Event or By Visitor, with By Visitor further editable by Everyone, Has Seen Guide, and Has Not Seen Guide.
Events and visitors information can be expanded or collapsed by selecting the expand/collapse () icon.
To download the table as a CSV, select the download CSV () icon.
Manage columns
The manage columns () icon opens the Manage Columns window, wherein users can add, reorder, or remove columns.
Columns include:
Visitor ID or Event—the user's identifying information or the event in question.
Progress Bar—shows the progress of a user through steps relevant to a guide. Progress is shown using full, empty, blue, or red circles, which indicate:
Full circle—a completed step.
Empty circle—an uncompleted step.
Blue circle—action has been taken.
Red circle—a display error occurred.
Time on Guide—shows the length of time a user spent viewing each guide.
Status—shows the status of a user's interaction with the guide. These include:
Displayed—the guide was opened and at least displayed on the screen for the user to see.
Advanced—the guide was progressed through by the user.
Display Error—the guide failed to open due to an error.
Close Button Clicked—the guide was opened and then closed, using the Close (X) button.
Closed—the guide was opened and then closed, using the browser or tab within which the guide was displayed.
Date—shows when the guide was shown or selected by the user.
To add columns
Select + Add Column.
Select Product Usage, Visitor Data, or Account Data.
Open the selections list to select a column to add. These include:
Product Usage list options
Poll Response
Visitor Data list options, to include custom fields
First Visit
Last Visit
Number of days active
Number of events
Account Data list options
Account ID
First visit
Last visit
ZIP code