The CSR Maintenance Report provides a view of all actions taken by a CSR user toward another CSR user. Actions may include modifying current CSR users and user roles, adding new CSR users, and deleting CSR users.
The report will show the indicated fields as they existed both prior to the change action and after the change action. If there were no changes, the before and after fields will show the same information.
To view and use Generated Reports in Q2 Console Reporting, you'll need specific rights (permissions) assigned to you in Q2 Console Administration. CSR rights are configured on the Administration > CSR Roles page in Q2 Console.
For information on the required entitlements to view and run the CSR Maintenance Report, see the "Generated Reports rights" section of Rights for CSR Roles in Q2 Console.
Select the Reporting tile from the main Q2 Console dashboard, then select the Generated Reports tab on the left navigation menu. In the Generate report tab, select CSR Maintenance Report from the list of available report titles.
Search parameters within this report include:
Start Date (required)
End Date (required)
CSR Admin Login Name (optional)
Indicate the date range to search by entering a date in the Start Date and End Date fields. If you wish to search for actions carried out by a specific CSR admin, enter the name into the CSR Admin Login Name field.
For best results, it's strongly recommended to use the optional search parameter to limit returned report results. If a specific CSR Admin Login Name isn't selected, the report will return all available data for all CSR users.
After setting the parameters, select Run Report to generate the report. When completed, the generated report will show in the Reports tab. Download or export the completed report by selecting the desired file type. Available file types include CSV or PDF.
The following table provides details about the audit event terms and definitions you may encounter within the CSR Maintenance Report. The action description indicates the result that occurs when the action is successful. Not all CSR users will complete all the listed actions below.
Table 19. CSR Maintenance Report actions
Action |
Action term name |
Action description |
Occurs in Q2 Console |
Occurs in Q2central |
ChangeAdminPassword |
Change an administrator password |
A CSR Administrator changed their own password in Q2central. |
ChangeAdminPasswordOnBehalfOf |
Change a password for an administrator |
A CSR Administrator changed a password for another CSR Administrator in Q2central. |
AddAdminUser |
Add an administrator |
A CSR Administrator was added to Q2 Console. |
ChangeAdminPasswordStatus |
Change an administrator password status |
A CSR Administrator changed the password status of another CSR Administrator. |
CreateGamTeam |
Create Group Access Mapping team |
A CSR created a new Group Access Mapping (GAM) team. |
DeleteAdminUser |
Delete an administrator |
A CSR deleted a CSR Administrator user. |
DeleteGamTeam |
Delete Group Access Mapping team |
A CSR deleted a Group Access Mapping (GAM) team. |
EditGamTeam |
Edit Group Access Mapping team |
A CSR edited the rights of a Group Access Mapping (GAM) team. |
LogonAdmin |
Administrator login |
A CSR Administrator logged on successfully. |
LogonAdminTokens |
Administrator logon through online via pair of tokens |
A CSR Administrator logged on successfully using secure access tokens. |
SetAdminCurrentZone |
Set Admin User Current Zone |
The current zone for a CSR Administrator was updated. |
SetAdminConfigData |
Set Admin Config Data |
The configuration data for CSR Administrators was updated. |
SetAdminGroup |
Update administrator role |
A CSR Administrator role was updated. |
SetAdminGroupProperties |
Update administrator role properties |
The group rights for a CSR Administrator role were updated. |
SetMessageGroupMembers |
Updates message group/topic members |
The CSR members within a message group were updated. |
SetCsrNotifications |
Set CSR Notifications |
A new CSR notification was created or an existing CSR notification was updated, copied, or deleted. |
UpdateAdminUser |
Update an administrator user |
A CSR Administrator user profile was updated. |
UpdateDailyActionCutOffHours |
csr update daily action cut off hours |
The cutoff hours for a daily action or transaction type were updated. |
AddConsoleCSRLogin |
Add Console CSR Login |
A Q2 Console CSR login was created either by a Q2 Console Administrator or through self-enrollment. |
SetConsoleCSRProperties |
Update properties for a Console CSR |
A Q2 Console Administrator CSR edited a CSR user's Q2 Console profile, or a Q2 Console user edited their own Q2 Console profile (including first name, last name, email address, and tile set). |
SetConsoleCSRAccess |
Update Console CSR access |
A Q2 Console Administrator CSR edited another CSR user's Q2 Console CSR type and/or environment access. |
ChangeConsoleCSRPassword |
Change a Console CSR password |
A Q2 Console Administrator CSR reset another CSR user's Q2 Console password. |
ResetConsoleCSRMultifactor |
Reset all or a single factor for Console CSR |
A Q2 Console Administrator CSR reset another CSR user's Q2 Console multi-factor authentication using the 'Reset multi-factor' workflow. |
DisableConsoleCSR |
Disable Console CSR Login |
A Q2 Console Administrator CSR disabled another CSR user's Q2 Console profile. |
EnableConsoleCSR |
Enable Console CSR Login |
A Q2 Console Administrator CSR enabled another CSR user's Q2 Console profile. |
DeleteConsoleCSR |
Delete Console CSR Login |
A Q2 Console Adminisrator CSR deleted another CSR user's Q2 Console profile. |
AssignConsoleCSRAdminRights |
Assign admin rights to a Console CSR |
A Q2 Console Administrator CSR assigned administration rights to another CSR user's Q2 Console profile. |
RemoveConsoleCSRAdminRights |
Remove admin rights from a Console CSR |
A Q2 Console Administrator CSR removed administration rights from another CSR user's Q2 Console profile. |
ResendConsoleCSRActivation |
Resend Console CSR activation email |
A Q2 Console Administrator CSR resent the Q2 Console activation email to another CSR user using the 'Resend activation email' workflow. |
The report data contains:
Action information, including the action name and the date the action occurred.
Change data, including what UI or system values were prior to and after the change occurred.
For example, if group rights for a CSR role were updated, the report displays which specific rights were edited, removed, or added. If a password status was updated, the report displays the status prior to and the status after the change.
CSR data, including the CSR name, CSR ID, and CSR login of the CSR taking the action.
Some actions only display the ID of the affected CSR users and do not display the name in the report data.
For more information on Generated Reports overall, see Generated Reports in Q2 Console Reporting.