Experience Builder (Q2 Config) Troubleshooting and FAQs
Please contact Q2 Support for additional assistance.
How do I roll back a change?
If you need to revert a change you have made to a text string, create a new draft that contains the text as it was previously.
How do I update a string for another language?
To update a string for another language, use the string editing process, but select a different language tab in the string editor. Additionally, the Search field supports searching for non-English words, and searching using a key will return all strings in any language that are associated with that key.
How can I fix an error with my preview?
If your preview fails to render, either because you get a timeout error or if you aren't seeing the change you just made reflected in the preview, wait a few minutes and preview again. During times of heavy load, changes can take more time than usual to render. Also, note that some changes are nonpreviewable and require an overnight restart to view, including changes to main navigation. These changes do not appear when you preview your draft, but are published with your other changes.