Remember that you are dealing with sensitive information that must remain secure. While your goal is to help end users stay positive and focused, you must also be vigilant to avoid giving sensitive information to the wrong person.
Q2 Co-Pilot is not the system of record and should not be used to verify a customer's identity. Follow your FI procedure for verifying a customer's identity if one was provided.
Here are some guidelines to help you keep sensitive data secure:
Never share your Q2 Co-Pilot login ID and password with others.
Do not store your login ID and password where they could be found.
Log out of Q2 Co-Pilot before leaving your computer unattended.
Do not take screenshots or copy text in Q2 Co-Pilot.
Do not take notes that include end-user contact or account information.
Follow all FI rules about contact with end users regarding their data.
Be aware that Q2 Co-Pilot records each user’s activity, including log in and log out times and password resets. A Q2 Co-Pilot Audit Report is included in Q2central, accessible by clicking Reports > Custom in the workspace tree.