When a feature is created, it can be set to display at the Group, Customer, or User levels within User Management.
You can enable and disable digital banking features in the Feature rights section of the Group, Customer, or User profile pane.
By default, feature rights and limits set at the Group level are inherited, or passed down, to all Customers assigned to that Group, and then to Users assigned to those Customers. Generally, rights and limits may be enabled or disabled at each level.
For example, if a feature right is enabled for the Customer, then you can enable or disable that right for its Users. However, if a feature right is disabled for the Customer, you cannot enable that right for its Users.
Go to the Feature rights section of the Group, Customer, or User profile pane.
Select options , then select Edit Group feature rights , Edit Customer feature rights, or Edit User feature rights, respectively, to open the edit modal.
Select or clear the check box on features you want to edit.
The disabled icon () means the feature is disabled at a higher level and cannot be edited at the current level.
Select Save changes.