The landing page of Q2 Console contains tiles that display Q2 applications and Q2 Console features, according to your FI's configuration. Select a tile to open an application without having to re-enter your login credentials.
For a list of available and future tiles, see Configuring feature and product tiles in Q2 Console.
Only tiles assigned to you will display on the landing page. Contact a CSR Admin to add or remove tiles.
After selecting the circle user icon in the top right corner of the landing page banner, you can select Settings to access your user account settings, Help to open the Q2 Console online help documentation, and Log out to sign out of Q2 Console.
Selecting the question mark icon in the bottom right corner of the landing page will open up the Q2 Console resource center. You can select Product Updates to access release information and see new updates, Documentation to open up the Q2 Documentation Hub, Request Support to submit a support case or manage any current cases, and Provide Feedback to send ideas or request a feature for Q2 Console.
If both production and permanent test environment are enabled for your FI, it is possible to switch between them on the Q2 Console landing page.
You can quickly determine which environment you are currently in through the color of your top banner bar.
Q2 Console Production (PRD) environments have a teal green top banner bar, and Q2 Console Permanent Test Environments (PTEs) have a purple top banner bar. For more information about environments, see About permanent test environments in Q2 Console. For steps to enable PTE for a CSR, see Granting access to a Q2 Console permanent test environment (PTE) .
Q2 Console supports Multi-FI institution enrollment. For more information, see Enrolling in multiple financial institution (FI) Q2 Console instances.