You can add a new holiday and configure the Holiday description, Date, and Transaction processing specifications.
To add a new bank holiday:
Select the Add bank holiday
Enter the Holiday description.
Enter the month, date, and year of the bank holiday in the Date field, or select the date
button and date of the holiday.
Select Okay.
In the Transactions processing field, use the search bar to search for a transaction.
Select the checkbox in the row of the transaction that can be processed for that holiday.
Select the checkbox in the Description row to allow processing for all transaction types.
Select Save.
You can remove a holiday and restore full transaction processing abilities for that day.
To delete a bank holiday:
Select the options
icon on the row of the bank holiday you want to delete.
Select Delete bank holiday.
You can edit the Holiday description, Date, and Transaction processing specifications.
To edit a bank holiday:
Select the options
icon on the row of the bank holiday you want to edit.
Select Edit bank holiday.
Complete the Holiday description, Date, and Transaction processing fields.
Select Save.
You cannot edit bank holidays that have already occurred.
You can copy an existing bank holiday and its current specifications.
To copy a bank holiday:
Select the options
icon on the row of the bank holiday you want to copy.
Select Copy bank holiday.
Complete the Holiday description, Date, and Transaction processing fields.
Select Save.
You can filter existing bank holidays by year.
By default, opening the bank holidays page will filter the bank holidays list by the current year. For example, if holidays for 2025 exist, the Year filter is automatically set to 2025. If bank holidays for 2024 exist, and no holidays for 2025 exist, the Year filter is set to 2024. If there are no bank holidays for the last 1 year, the Year filter is not applied.
To filter bank holidays by year:
Select the Year filter under Manage bank holidays.
Search for or select the desired year.
To select all years, enable the Select all toggle.
Select OK.
You can search for an existing bank holiday by name or date.
To search for a bank holiday:
Enter the name of the holiday in the search bar on the top-right of the page.
Select search