You can edit existing tile sets to add or remove tiles, rename tile sets, delete tile sets, and set a default tile set. For a list available and future tiles, see Configuring apps and features in Q2 Console.
Go to Administration > Console tile sets from the side menu.
On the Q2 Console tile sets page, search for a tile set or CSR.
Select a tile set from search results to view tiles and CSRs assigned to the tile set.
Select options > Edit tile set. An Edit Console tile set dialog appears.
Search for tiles to add or remove form the tile set.
Select the checkbox next to a tile to add to the set. Or, clear the checkbox to remove a tile.
Select Save changes at the bottom of the page.
Go to Administration > Console tile sets from the side menu.
On the Q2 Console tile sets page, search for a tile set or CSR.
Select a tile set from search results to view tiles and CSRs assigned to the tile set.
Select options > Rename tile set. A Rename Console tile set dialog appears.
Enter a new tile set name.
Select Save changes to rename the tile set.
Go to Administration > Console tile sets from the side menu.
On the Q2 Console tile sets page, search for a tile set or a CSR.
Select a tile set from search results to view tiles and CSRs assigned to the tile set.
Select options > Delete tile set. A Delete tile set dialog appears.
Select Delete to confirm the deletion.
The tile set will no longer be available for CSRs once deleted. CSRs assigned to the deleted tile set will be re-assigned to the default tile set.
Go to Administration > Console tile sets from the side menu.
On the Q2 Console tile sets page, search for a tile set or CSR.
Select a tile set from search results to view tiles and CSRs assigned to the tile set.
Select options > Set as default tile set. A confirmation dialog appears.
Select Save to set the tile set as default.
When self-enrolling into Q2 Console, CSRs are automatically assigned to the default tile set after their account is created. If a tile set is deleted, CSRs assigned to the deleted tile set will be re-assigned to the default tile set.