This release includes the following updates:
The Alloy KYB/KYC integration has been enhanced to support the following features:
You can now use the BAO Back Office to re-run Alloy Journeys (using the Re-Run Alloy KYB/KYC option in the Actions dropdown) and run applicants in the Parties section through Alloy KYB/KYC for the first time through the Know Your Business and Know Your Customer sections of a BAO application.
Q2 BAO now supports sending metadata to Alloy that allows the FI to choose whether Qualifile runs for individuals associated with the business or not. FIs can now configure this metadata to be sent to Alloy depending on whether applicants supply a social security number (SSN) or an employer identification number (EIN) for their Tax ID.
(CBLT-847, CBLT-1374)
Added the ability to automatically approve (auto-decision) an application in the following scenarios:
Both KYB and KYC for all parties have passed, all documents have been submitted, and card-on-file funding is complete.
Both KYB and KYC for all parties have passed, documents have been submitted, and funding is not enabled.
Updated the applicant workflow to enable FIs to deny an application based on the response to a specific compliance question. As a result, application denial can be decided at the question level rather than at the application level. (CBLT-1052)
Added the ability deny an application based on the following information:
IP address
Business state
Business ZIP
NAICS code
Added a new email template to notify applicants who opted not to enroll in online banking and not to fund the account when their application is approved. (CBLT-1405)
Updated the BAO Back Office to disable the Add button ( ) after the application has been moved to the Approved status. (CBLT-1399)
Changed the OLB administrator selection checkbox text to: I understand I will be designated as my business's initial Online Banking Administrator if my business is not already enrolled in Online Banking. (CBLT-1386)
Added a link to the FI's logo in the upper-left corner of the BAO applicant workflow that directs the user back to the applicant's application dashboard. If the user is not logged in, clicking the image directs the applicant to the beginning of the application process. (CBLT-1365)
Updated the applicant workflow to notify the user of a timeout via a pop-up and to redirect the user to the login page when the session times out. (CBLT-1009)
Added a Back to Dashboard button for the primary applicant on the summary page. (CBLT-1363)
Created a combination of CSV files to allow data to be exported from Salesforce. This functionality can be configured to be generated on a recurring basis from the BAO Back Office. (CBLT-1273)