This release includes the following updates:
Q2 BAO has finalized support for the TabaPay funding workflows for FIs with and without core integration enabled. If core enabled, once a new account is created in the FI's core, Q2 BAO can now use TabaPay's Unified API to push funds directly into the new account.
Accounts that are funded successfully with core integration go through the following six steps:
After the applicant has entered their desired funding method, BAO queries TabaPay to see if the card is eligible to pull funds from.
An account is created at TabaPay to store the funding transaction.
A pull transaction is created at TabaPay.
The TabaPay transaction account is deleted.
The account is opened on the FI's core. (This step is not applicable to non-core-integrated funding.)
A push transaction adds the funds to the account. (This step is not applicable to non-core-integrated funding.)
When account funding fails, applicants will see a failed funding page that notifies the applicant that their funding has failed. This results in a status of Failed Funding in the BAO Back Office.
Applications will be placed into Pending Funding status if the application has been Approved , but the applicant has opted to fund later. The Pending Funding status only applies to applications where all other account opening steps have been completed successfully for all parties and the applicant has opted to fund later.
If the primary user selected to fund later, and has additional signers or owners, then the status of the application should be Awaiting Signers or Documents Submitted before the application is approved.
If the primary user selected to fund later, and does not have additional signers or owners, then the status of the application should be Documents Submitted until the application is approved.
(CBLT-1366, CBLT-890, CBLT-674, CBLT-891)
Q2 BAO has updated the behavior of KYB/KYC policy checks to automate the state of the Policy Conditions based on whether the KYB/KYC check passes or fails. When the KYB or KYC check passes, the KYB Policy Condition is marked as satisfied in the BAO Back Office, and when the KYB fails (either by manual review or failure), the KYB Policy Condition is marked as in exception in the BAO Back Office. Similarly, when the KYC check passes, the KYC Policy Condition is marked as satisfied in the BAO Back Office, and when the KYC check fails (either by manual review or failure), the KYC Policy Condition is marked as in exception in the BAO Back Office. The feature applies to all KYB/KYC integrations (Alloy, LexisNexis, and Socure). (CBLT-1259)
Applications created using the BAO Back Office now require certain fields to be filled out before submitting the application:
Product(s) applied for
For the business:
Business Name
For the primary applicant:
First Name
Last Name
Mobile Phone
Within the BAO application workflow Enhanced Compliance Suite, there are now two additional questions available for use on the Industry Code page, both with a text field to capture the applicant response:
What are the primary activities of your business?
Who are your major customers or vendors?
Responses are available in the Industry Details section of the Business party page in the BAO Back Office under the Purpose of Business? and Customers or Vendors? labels. (CBLT-1197)
Updated the application workflow to change all Account Activity questions to require a user to select Yes or No from a dropdown list. (CBLT-1194)
Updated the application workflow to change the primary applicant's Authorized Signer and Beneficial Owner questions to require a user to select Yes or No from a dropdown list. (CBLT-1269)
Added a Disclosure Acceptance Certification checkbox to the Consent Information section of the BAO Back Office. (CBLT-1284)
Removed the Use same address as personal checkbox when county-, state-, or ZIP-specific disclosure pop-up fields have already been completed by the applicant. (CBLT-1256)
Fixed a issue where answering Yes to the following questions resulted in the application to be automatically declined:
Do you own, operate, or replenish an ATM?
Is your business a Professional Service Provider?
Do you depend on, in whole part, on charitable donations and voluntary services for support?
Fixed an issue where, when additional documents were requested, those documents were in the Submitted state instead of Open and therefore did not allow further documents to be uploaded. (CBLT-1343)
Fixed an issue where duplicate values appeared in the Overdraft Type column in the Debit Card And Overdraft Details section of the Q2 BAO Back Office. (CBLT-1344)