Q2 has added the following extracts:
GoalsData—contains information about accounts opened with Q2 Goals. If the Goals product has not been purchased, this file will be empty. (DE-74)
UserAdmin—contains information on which users under a Customer have an administrative role. (DE-212)
UserAccountNicknames—contains information on user-assigned nicknames for an account. This file will only be populated for FIs that have a minimum database version number of 4.4.1.x. To find out your FI's DBVersion Number, access the Salesforce entry for your FI, select the Related tab, and scroll down to Version Instances. (DE-48)
Added new columns to the GeneratedTransactionActivity extract that expand on the parent/child relationship for a generated transaction and differentiate between voice and text banking transactions. (DE-383)
Added two additional columns to the LogonActivity extract: mobile_application_ver and counts_as_a_login. The mobile_application_ver contains the version of the application used at login. The counts_as_a_login matches the value in AVSC and is an indicator of a valid login. (DE-390)
Added new columns to the GeneratedACHActivity extract: batch_amount and amount. The batch_amount is the total amount of all transactions in a batch. The amount is the amount of the individual transactions in the batch. (DE-472)