Production and delivery
By default, EVE is produced as double pipe '| |' delimited files on a nightly basis. These files are available through the Q2GoAnywhere server at in the \Inbound\EVE_Extract directory. Q2 sets up and maintains this server, but your FI is responsible for pulling the files from this location. This server holds files from the past seven days. After the seven-day grace period, the files are deleted. The files cannot be regenerated or retransmitted. Per customer request, files may be zipped, and the FI will have to unzip files to use them. The zipped file name will follow the same pattern listed in the "Delivered file names" section below but will end in .zip instead of .txt.
The Online Banking User ID
The one constant that runs through all EVE extracts is the user_id. This unique identifier references the online banking users in the UserData extract. You can trace the actions of a single user throughout the data with their user_id information.
Delivered file names
EVE delivers the following files:
If any add-on products are not purchased, files containing that data will be empty.
Files will either contain data for the current or previous day's user behavior. The following files contain data for the previous day's user behavior. The date in their file names will display as the previous day's date. For example, if today is 10/6/2019, the date in the file name will appear as 20191005.
- AccountNotification
- AuditScore
- AuthorizingGTDevice
- DeliveredSecurityAlert
- DirectConnectLogin
- DirectConnectTransactions
- DisclaimerAcceptance
- GeneratedACHActivity
- GeneratedTransactionActivity
- LogonActivity
- LogonAuthenticationDetail
- PFMHostTransactionHistory
- PFMTransactionClassifications
- RemoteDepositActivity
- UserEnrollment
All other files will contain data for the current day's user behavior.