Applications started or submitted to BAO have one of the following color-coded statuses:
Not Started (gray)—For applications that have not completed any part of their application.
In Progress (gray)—For incomplete applications.
Denied (red)—For all applications in which applicants failed to answer Enhanced Compliance Suite questions favorably.
Entered (yellow)—For applications that have had KYB/KYC run.
Documents Submitted (yellow)—For applications with documents submitted for singular applicants.
Approved (green)—For applications with all documents submitted and all policy exceptions satisfied by a back-office user.
Referred (red)—For applications that have failed the application process because KYB/KYC failed.
Awaiting Signers (yellow)—For applications that have completed the primary application process, but additional signers have not completed their applications.
Declined (red)—For applications that have been manually declined by the financial institution.
Auto-Closed (red)—For applications that have been inactive for a certain, configurable number of days.