This release includes the following updates:
Q2 BAO now includes the option to ask questions that address check, ATM, and ACH transaction usage within the business and compliance information section. To include these questions within your BAO application workflow, select Check Question(s) , ATM Question(s) , or ACH Question(s) on the BAO Enhanced Compliance Suite Detail page in the BAO back office custom settings. Responses to these questions are stored in the application information.
Q2 BAO now supports emailing reminders to applicants if their application is not complete. To send an email notification manually, select Send Notification Email from the options menu (), then select the party or parties to send the email to.
Email notifications can be sent out automatically to potential customers whose applications are not in the Referred, Declined , Document Submitted , Cross-Sell , or Approved status. You can customize the following fields to set the timing and frequency of the notifications:
The Email Notification Interval field sets the number of days to wait to send the email.
The Email Notification Quantity field sets the number of reminders to send.
Fixed the alignment for UI elements in the application portal. (CBLT-517)
Updated the Enhanced Compliance Suite to refer applications based on specific responses to questions. For example, an application can be referred automatically if an applicant indicates that they are subject to backup withholding. (CBLT-536)