Workflows in Q2 Discover
The Workflows () page allows for the viewing, creation, and management of workflows. Workflows allow you to analyze the tasks and processes your users need to complete.
The Workflows tab includes the ability to filter provided workflows by creator or with search keywords in the search bar.
Available actions for administrators include:
Create—select the + Create New Workflow button.
Download—select the download CSV () icon to download a CSV file of pages.
Manage columns—select the manage columns () icon to open the Manage Columns window.
Delete—select the delete workflow () icon to delete a page.
The Workflows table is broken into multiple columns:
Workflow Name—the configured name for the workflow.
Note: Workflows are named "New Workflow" by default, with the date and time when they are created. Starting App—the application where the workflow begins.
Ending App—the application where the workflow ends.
Type—specifies whether the workflow is recurring or non-recurring.
Created By—displays the user ID of the workflow's creator.
Created Date—displays the date the workflow was created.
Visibility—specifies whether the workflow is visible to Everyone or Only Me.
Note: Workflows visible to everyone are viewable, editable, and deletable for all Q2 Discover users at your FI. Last Updated By—displays the user ID of who last updated the workflow.
Last Updated Date—displays the date the workflow was last updated.
Add workflow
Select + Create New Workflow to open a new workflow creation page.
To create a new workflow
Edit the workflow name by selecting the generated workflow text.
Filter by Date Range to set a limited time period.
Note: Last 7 Days, Last 14 Days, Last 30 Days, Last 60 Days, and Last 90 Days do not include the current date, when selected in Date Range. Filter by Segment.
In the Maximum Time Between Steps menu, set to 1, 3, 8, 12, or 24 hours.
Note: Time between steps should not exceed the specified workflow time. Set Yes or No in the Is this a recurring process? menu.
In Workflow Start, provide desired application in the Select an App menu and desired page or feature in the Select a Page or Feature menu. You are able to search in the Select a Page or Feature menu.
In Workflow End, provide desired application in the Select an App menu and desired page or feature in the Select a Page or Feature menu. You are able to search in the Select a Page or Feature menu.
Set the Visibility menu to Only Me or Everyone.
Note: Workflows visible to everyone are viewable, editable, and deletable for all Q2 Discover users at your FI. -
Select Run to run the workflow without saving. Select Save & Run to run the workflow and save it for future access in the Workflows page.
Note: The Save & Run button will display as Save until you've completed required information.Tip: Run is helpful if you want to test changes before saving.
Workflow analytics
Multiple analytics are available for non-recurring and recurring workflows in the Home tab for a selected workflow, using the following completion statuses:
Completed—the number of visitors who completed the workflow from the specified start and end points.
Incomplete—the number of visitors who started the workflow from the specified start point, but did not complete progress through to the specified end point within the allotted maximum time.
Not Started—the number of visitors who are workflow eligible, but never used the specified start point.
The Home tab includes the ability to filter analytics for set segments, for time periods, and by the workflow's starting, ending, and recurring status details.
Highlights chart
The Highlights chart provides quick data on the visitor completion rates, median workflow completion times, and the number of visitor completions.
To customize results by a baseline date:
Select Want to measure impact against a baseline?
Provide the desired date range in the Baseline date range in the Set Baseline window.
Select Save.
Completion Rates charts
The first chart displayed for a workflow measures the total number of active visitors who are workflow eligible by completion status or total workflow attempts in a horizontal, stacked bar chart.
The second Completion Rates chart further breaks down data from the first chart, measuring smaller time intervals within the set date range in vertical, stacked bar charts in daily, weekly, or monthly intervals.
Time to Complete chart
The Time to Complete chart provides data on completion times in vertical bar charts that can be modified to show Distribution or Cumulative results by Minutes, Hours, Days, or Weeks. Next to the chart, the median and average times that users take to complete the workflow are provided.
Visitors table
The data table provides the raw data used to construct the charts. Columns show the values for completion statuses and average time to complete. Recurring workflows also show the average number of times completed and not completed.
Available actions for administrators include:
Search—enter search terms in Search () to search the raw data.
Download—select the download CSV () icon to download a CSV file of pages.
Manage columns—select the manage columns () icon to open the Manage Columns window.
Segment by workflow completion status
To potentially increase workflow completion rates, you can segment unsuccessful visitors into their own group that is shown a specific guide to get them on the same path successful visitors are taking. To do so, complete the following from the relevant workflow in the Workflows page:
In the Workflows page, select the relevant workflow to open its analytics page.
Select + Create Segment.
Name your segment.
Select Workflow progress in the first menu.
Select your workflow in the second menu.
Select Incomplete, Completed, or Not Started in the third menu.
Select Save Segment.
If needed, create a guide on the Guides page. See Guides for more information on guide creation.
To later evaluate how guides are potentially increasing completion rates for a workflow after targeting segments for a guide, select the guide from the Select a guide to view impact menu in the numbers of workflows by time interval chart.
The Journeys tab provides data on user completion paths in a selected workflow, which you can use to better inform guide creation. The Journeys tab is available within existing workflows by selecting the desired workflow on the Workflows page and then selecting the Journeys tab.
The Journeys tab displays:
The series of unique, sequential steps visitors take to complete a workflow.
The number of completed workflow attempts following each route.
The overall time to complete the workflow.
The average time taken between each step of the workflow.
Select steps to include in Journeys
Use the Select Pages & Features button to specify the steps to include in your visualizations. The Select Pages & Features button opens a side panel where you can select or deselect specific steps to include in your visualizations. After selecting desired steps, select Save.
Selecting specific steps can help you determine:
The percentage of visitors taking a step, such as reading guidelines before completing a task.
The percentage of visitors taking suboptimal or erroneous steps.
The percentage of visitors getting stuck on steps.
Where and when visitors are requesting help or submitting support tickets.
Journey filters
You can filter your results by specific user segments, periods of time, and specific steps.
To filter by specific steps, select the desired step from the Must Include menu or hover over the step in the Journeys for Completed Workflows section and select the favorite () icon.
Journeys for Completed Workflows
Use the Journeys for Completed Workflows section to display the Top Journeys or All Journeys.
Top Journeys provides journey data on the following journeys:
Most common—the journey with the most common path taken to complete the process.
Fewest steps—the path with the fewest steps taken to complete the process.
Quickest—the path with the shortest completion time.
Note: A Journey can simultaneously be the most common, involve the fewest steps, and have the quickest completion time.
All Journeys provides all journey data with the following sorting options:
Sort by Frequency—sorts journeys by the most to least common path used by visitors.
Sort by Completion Time—sorts journeys by the shortest to longest completion time taken.
Sort by # of Steps—sorts journeys by the fewest to most steps taken by visitors to complete the process.