Paths in Q2 Discover
The Paths () page shows reports that you or your team created, allowing everyone to see the reports.
The Paths page includes the ability to filter Paths results by creator and by search keywords in the search bar.
Columns in the Paths results include:
Name—displays the selectable name of the specific path. Selecting the path opens a path management page for administrators.
Created by—displays the user name of who created the path.
Last updated by—displays the user name of who last updated the path.
Last updated date—displays the date the path was last updated.
Existing paths can be copied by selecting the copy () icon, which will open a path management page.
Path creation
To create a new path, open the New Path page by selecting the + Create Path button and provide the following:
Set paths to Starting from or Leading to, as needed.
Select Page or Feature, as needed.
Set desired date range in the Date Range menu.
Set desired target segment in the Segment menu.
Expand Advanced Features to provide any additional capabilities.
Select Save & Run if the path is ready to run or Save if not ready to run.
Path management
Selecting the name of a specific path from the Paths table results will open a page for administrators to manage the path.
Available actions from the top of the path management page include the ability to:
Return to the Paths page, by selecting Back to Paths List.
Modify and run the path in the Query section.
View visualization of the path in the Path Management section.
View visitor engagement with a path in the table section.